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Donggang International Group (Hong Kong) Limited

Guangzhou donggang furniture industry co. LTD

Contact person: liu qing

Phone: 13808866767

Telephone: 020-31103521
Telephone: 020-31103522
Telephone: 020-31103523

Fax: 020-31103520

Enterprise QQ: 1228866767

E-mail: 1228866767 @qq.com

Marketing center: E506, one of the 346 north panyu avenue, panyu district, guangzhou city

Production base: donggang industrial park, 92 zhaoyi road, dongsheng town, zhongshan city

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Reliable quality donggang wood finish

Reliable quality donggang wood finish

Details :

Reliable quality donggang wood finish

Decorate on the market nowadays, appear all sorts of decorate material to make a person have no choice, if a person wants to buy decorate material, besides furniture, paint, still have one, indispensable, that is wood face. So a lot of people who do not know about decoration will ask, what is wood veneer? Wood veneer is the natural wood or artificial wood cut into a certain thickness of thin slices, attached to the surface of plywood, then a kind of surface material used for decoration, that is to say, finished wood veneer is used to decorate the interior decoration or furniture manufacturing, life, but also a lot of see.

Finished wood veneer is the use of wood material veneer panel. Common at wood facing lumber material has a variety of, for example maple, walnut, cherry wood, these are a few more common family adornment, because the material quality of these lumber is better, and the price is not too expensive, common people like to use very much. In addition to some natural wood veneer, there are artificial wood veneer, the price is a little cheaper than natural wood veneer. But for artificial wood finishes, natural wood finishes are of better quality and are more durable.

For finished wood veneer, donggang furniture is also special attention, the company has a variety of wood veneer for choice, natural, also have artificial. In terms of natural finished wood veneer, donggang furniture one in a hundred, choose the best wood; As far as artificial wood is concerned, donggang furniture is also meticulously processed to improve quality. Our finished wood veneer is hard, fine and durable, and not easy to deform. I believe there will be more and more customers like donggang furniture.

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Copyright © 2014 guangzhou donggang furniture industry co., LTD. All rights reserved  粤ICP备15046715号-1
Phone: 13808866767  Contact person: liu qing
Address: E506, no. 346 panyu avenue north, panyu district, guangzhou city   Zip code: 511442
Telephone:020-31103521 / 020-31103522 / 020-31103523   email:1228866767@qq.com   柏德口腔
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